Youku is one of the top Online Video websites in China,
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Our Contact Information

Support and Sales

EMAIL: [email protected]

SKYPE ID: glogou1

HOTLINE: (508) 309-2110

We have offices in

  • Silicon Valley, California
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Beijing, China

Office Address in California

2068 Walsh Ave, #C

Santa Clara, CA, 95050


  • Website:Youku
  • Affiliation: Youku Tudou Inc.
  • Category: Online Video
  • Stock Ticker: YOKU
  • Founding Year:2006
  • IPO Date: 8-Dec-10

  • "Youku is the largest online video website in China, taking 20% of this highly competitive market. The company initially emphasized user-generated content, like what its US counterpart YouTube exceled, but later shifted its focus to professionally-produced movies and TV series licensed from over 1,500 producers. Youku made its IPO on NASDAQ on Dec 8, 2010 (Ticker: YOKU). On March 12, 2012, Youku announced a merger with to form a new company named Youku Tudou Inc., which dominates this very fragmented market by 35% market share. "