Kaixin001 is one of the top SNS websites in China,
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Our Contact Information

Support and Sales

EMAIL: [email protected]

SKYPE ID: glogou1

HOTLINE: (508) 309-2110

We have offices in

  • Silicon Valley, California
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Beijing, China

Office Address in California

2068 Walsh Ave, #C

Santa Clara, CA, 95050


  • Website:Kaixin001
  • Affiliation: Invested by Tencent
  • Category: SNS
  • Stock Ticker:
  • Founding Year:2008
  • IPO Date:

  • "Kaixin001 was the pioneer to bring the most successful Facebook applications to the Chinese Market. Due to fun features like Friends for Sale (A game that users can price and sell their friends) and Happy Farm (Users can grown their own vegetables and steal vegetables from their friends), Kaixin001 quickly became one of the most poplar websites in China within two years after its launch in March 2008. Its success is now threatened by its own clone like Kaixin.com (owned by RenRen) and super popular social media Weibo.com (owned by Sina). "